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Job Locations

  • 2023-04-24 09:42:09

  • HNA Technology Group



    HNA Technology is a strategy-oriented holding group, which focuses on technological investments, operation, innovation and R&D, striving to become a global first-class investment group in the high-tech industry. HNA Technology is committed to building an equal, sharing and ecological data platform under the overall strategic deployment of the HNA Group.

    Business Industries

    Cloud-based Technology, Big Data,Supply Chain and IT, Digital Consulting, Intelligent Manufacturing, etc.

    Core Subsidiaries

    Ingram,Pactera,HNA Ecotech, Tianhai Investment, eKing Tech(831608),HNA Technology Investments Holdings Limited (02086), Zhijing Supply Chain(837310).

    Job Locations

    Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Shenzhen, Haikou, Xi’an, etc.